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How Abodable Works


Use our search tool to find hundreds of properties across Australia. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, we'll find it for you, anywhere in Australia.

Buy Online

Start your homebuying journey with our buy online feature. Complete all your contracts and finances online from one convenient location, making it easier for you to buy your new home.

Commission Refund

When you move in to your new home, receive the commission refund. It's yours to use as you like; buy some essentials for your new home, or replenish your savings. The commission refund helps to make your new home more affordable.

The Commission Refund

How are we able to give the commission refund to our buyers?

In any property sale made, a small percentage goes to the real estate agent for their work in facilitating and handling the sale of the property. It’s a small percentage, but it ends up being a significant sum of money when you consider how high house prices are. It’s fair enough - you need to be licensed to sell property, and there’s a lot of emails, phone calls and paperwork involved. But we think there’s a better way.

We streamline the buying process through our online platform to alleviate the busywork. In this way, Abodable acts as the agent, redistributing the vast majority of the commission and keep a small fraction to keep operating. Why? Because we need to solve housing affordability, and we want to enable more people to buy property. We believe this is the best way to do that.

You can read more below about Abodable, how we differ from real estate agents, and how to buy through our online platform.

young family enjoying moving into new home through multiple rooms

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